Mr / Tarek El Kholy

Member of the Board of Trustees

Born on September 16, 1985 in Cairo. Received his BA from the Faculty of Law - University of Alexandria. Married and a father of a Daughter and a Son.

Khouly is a Legal Consultant and a member of the House of Representatives of Egypt Council - the first legislative term (2016 - 2021). He also served as the Secretary-General of the Foreign Relations Committee. And a member of the House of Representatives of Egypt Council - the first legislative term (2021 - 2026). He also serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

He is a member of the Political Bureau of the Support Egypt Coalition in the House of Representatives (the majority) and a Member of the Egyptian Parliamentary Friendships Associations with (Britain – France - Germany - Japan - Mauritania).

Khouly is the Secretary of Foreign Relations of Future of the Nation Party and a Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Coordination Committee for Party Youth and Politicians.

He is one of the founders of the "For Egypt" Association for Economic and Social Development.

Khouly is a member of the presidential amnesty committee, formed in November 2016 by a decree of the President of the Republic and charged with examining the cases of young sentenced and held in custody on issues related to demonstrations, opinion and publication.

Khouly has received a course of Strategic Studies and National Security number (6), of the Supreme National Defense College, Nasser Military Academy, in February of 2015. He has publications in numerous articles in a many of Egyptian national and independent newspapers.