Kemet Reads

مصر وفرنسا شراكة إستراتيجية

17 May 2024

ألقى وزير خارجية فرنسا الأسبق جان ... Read More

declaring war on the polycrisis

09 February 2023

In his annual address to the UN General Assembly on his work ... Read More

boutros boutros-ghali: a diplomatic nonconformist

18 December 2022

"Boutros Boutros-Ghali, one of Egypt’s leading diplomats, died ... Read More

great disruptives and mega-threats

14 December 2022

The year is approaching its end, ushering in the customary season ... Read More

no vacuum in the middle ea

28 July 2022

It was US secretary of state John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) who ... Read More

greenwashing and corporate responsibility

28 July 2022

The cover of this week’s Economist consisted of three large ... Read More

reflections from the world economic forum

02 June 2022

Participants at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week would ... Read More

a new middle east

14 April 2022

For a long time in the Arab world, “Middle East” was a dark, ... Read More

egypt in a changing world order

14 April 2022

Speculation abounds about the post-Ukraine world order, with ... Read More

liberalism and the war

07 April 2022

Commentators have discussed many possible causes for the war in ... Read More