kemet statement on "africa day"

Cairo - Egypt | Tuesday, May 25, 2021:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Today, the 25th of May, we are celebrating Africa Day. This day 58 years ago, the Organization of the African Union was born, which later became the African Union.

On this " Africa Day," we always like to remember and pay tribute to our visionary founding fathers, who had an understanding of the great potentials of African solidarity. They established the first basis for cooperation, economic integration and unity with vision, ambition and dedication. 

Theirs was not an easy task. Through overcoming many obstacles, they proved that a united Africa could unleash great potential, create opportunities and overcome the most significant challenges.

This year, the theme of the African Union is that of "Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for building the Africa we want," an inspirational slogan that denotes the desire to assemble and innovate. Although the continent is still grappling with the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has imposed heavy human, financial, and economic costs, its creative and cultural industries play a pivotal role in the efforts towards prevention and combating the spread of Covid-19. We have learned that problems are better solved through cooperation, that no country is immune, and that some issues know no frontiers.

Together, we need to reexamine the continent's socio-economic condition to promote equality, inclusion, and social cohesion and to reverse Covid-19's negative impact on our ability to meet the aspiration of the African Union's Agenda of a peaceful, united and prosperous continent.

We, at Kemet Boutros Ghali foundation for Peace and Knowledge, are confident, like the eminent Boutros Ghali expressed many times in his written and oral discourse, that the resilience of the African people can overcome any hindrance. We know that collaboration and sharing knowledge and resources will put us on the path to a brighter future. 

Today's challenges must not weaken our resolve. We must move ahead with ambitious steps, such as establishing "the African Continental Free Trade Area" and realizing ambitious infrastructure that will connect the continent further, such as the Cape-Cairo highway. These are only two examples of the possibilities we can achieve.

Finally, and more importantly, we need to succeed in making every citizen in our continent realize that they have a stake in the success and the prosperity of the Union.

Thank you.